GitHub - andreasbm/web-skills: A visual overview of useful skills to learn as a web developer

GitHub - andreasbm/web-skills: A visual overview of useful skills to learn as a web developer
Thumbnail of GitHub - andreasbm/web-skills: A visual overview of useful skills to learn as a web developer

GitHub - charlax/professional-programming: A collection of learning resources for curious software engineers
Thumbnail of GitHub - charlax/professional-programming: A collection of learning resources for curious software engineers

GitHub - ComponentsGuide/components_guide: Learn React, Web Standards, SwiftUI, and the shared lessons across them
Thumbnail of GitHub - ComponentsGuide/components_guide: Learn React, Web Standards, SwiftUI, and the shared lessons across them

The 411 on Web3 101's: a Collective List of Web3 Learning Experi…

Thumbnail of The 411 on Web3 101's: a Collective List of Web3 Learning Experi…

GitHub - futurice/backend-best-practices: An evolving description of general best practices for backend development.
Thumbnail of GitHub - futurice/backend-best-practices: An evolving description of general best practices for backend development.

GitHub - sdmg15/Best-websites-a-programmer-should-visit: :link: Some useful websites for programmers.
Thumbnail of GitHub - sdmg15/Best-websites-a-programmer-should-visit: :link: Some useful websites for programmers.

GitHub - ByteByteGoHq/system-design-101: Explain complex systems using visuals and simple terms. Help you prepare for system design interviews.
Thumbnail of GitHub - ByteByteGoHq/system-design-101: Explain complex systems using visuals and simple terms. Help you prepare for system design interviews.

Open Source Guides
Thumbnail of Open Source Guides

GitHub - bradtraversy/design-resources-for-developers: Curated list of design and UI resources from stock photos, web templates, CSS frameworks, UI libraries, tools and much more