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Getting Started With AI: Good Enough Prompting
You actually have likely read enough at this point to be a good prompt engineer. Let’s start with the third principle I shared earlier—treat AI like a person and tell it what kind of person it is.
Ethan Mollick • Co-Intelligence
Right now, intricate prompting is helpful for some tasks. But over time, we think it’s an overrated skill. Here’s why:
1. As AI models improve, they require less “engineered” prompts. DALL-E 3 is a great example of this (you get top-tier images with < 10-word prompts).
In this c... See more
Shortwave — [Gmail alternative]
If you want to do something with AI, just ask it to help you do the thing. “I want to write a novel; what do you need to know to help me?” will get you surprisingly far. And remember, AI is only going to get better at guiding us, rather than requiring us to guide it. Prompting is not going to be that important for that much longer.
This doesn’t mean
... See moreEthan Mollick • Co-Intelligence: Living and Working With AI
You actually have likely read enough at this point to be a good prompt engineer. Let’s start with the third principle I shared earlier—treat AI like a person and tell it what kind of person it is. LLMs work by predicting the next word, or part of a word, that would come after your prompt, sort of like a sophisticated autocomplete function. Then the
... See moreEthan Mollick • Co-Intelligence: Living and Working With AI
- Right now, GPTs are the easiest way of sharing structured prompts, which are programs, written in plain English (or another language), that can get the AI to do useful things. I discussed creating structured prompts last week, and all the same techniques apply, but the GPT system makes structured prompts more powerful and much easier to create, tes
Ethan Mollick • Almost an Agent: What GPTs can do
it can help to give the AI explicit instructions that go step by step through what you want. One approach, called chain-of-thought prompting,11 gives the AI an example of how you want it to reason, before you make your request. Even more usefully, you can also provide step-by-step instructions that build on each other, making it easier to check the
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