Getting a job at Apple without going to college or doing LeetCode
Companies are fighting for talent in the same arena where devs are settling for positions that barely align with their ambitions and work-life balance requirements. In an era like this marginal improvements in talent allocation can unlock incredible amounts of economic value. This is not easy to accomplish. The market currently reduces software cre... See more
Rodrigo Mendoza Smith • Devs have eaten the world
sari added
Another example is hiring. Before I came back to academia a couple of years ago I was out doing startups. What I noticed is that when people hire they are almost always hire based on experience. They're looking for somebody's resume trying to find the person who has already done the job they want them to do three times over. That's basically hiring
... See •
Keely Adler added
Only after you’ve completely exhausted your personal network and your community should you consider using recruiting platforms like Alist, Triplebyte, Stackoverflow, coding schools, etc.
Qiao Wang • Common pitfalls for Web3 founders
sari added
Hiring developers is a lot like building an NFL team.
You can draft fresh college graduates for a very low cost.
Not every college grad will make it to the big leagues.
Some will be superstars in the first week.
Your team needs to be a balance of college grads and veterans.
You can't afford a team of nothing but veterans.
You also don't need vetera... See more
You can draft fresh college graduates for a very low cost.
Not every college grad will make it to the big leagues.
Some will be superstars in the first week.
Your team needs to be a balance of college grads and veterans.
You can't afford a team of nothing but veterans.
You also don't need vetera... See more
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People early in their career should learn from computer science: meander some in your walk (especially early on), randomly drop yourself into new parts of the terrain, and when you find the highest hill, don’t waste any more time on the current hill no matter how much better the next step up might appear .
Chris Dixon • Climbing the Wrong Hill | Cdixon Blog
More often people who do great things have careers with the trajectory of a ping-pong ball. They go to school to study A, drop out and get a job doing B, and then become famous for C after taking it up on the side.
Paul Graham • How to Do What You Love
Thus my first piece of advice: if you have the choice between multiple jobs, all else being equal, pick the one where you are able to show what you've worked on.
kalzumeus • Don't End The Week With Nothing
Keely Adler added
sari and added