• from 6 Famous Artists Talk About What It’s Like to Overcome Fear and Create Beauty by James Clear

    Andy Spector added

  • Early Work

    by Paul Graham

    19 highlights

    Ajinkya Wadhwa and added

  • from Slow Productivity by Cal Newport

    Sarah Khalid added

  • from Most Afraid to Fail by Nat Eliason

    Luc Cheung added

  • from How To Start Writing Online: The Ship 30 for 30 Ultimate Guide by Nicolas Cole

    Alex Wittenberg added

  • The Scribe Method: The Best Way to Write and Publish Your Non-Fiction Book

    by Tucker Max

    Cover of The Scribe Method: The Best Way to Write and Publish Your Non-Fiction Book
  • from The Life-Changing Magic of High-Speed Career Sampling - Nat Eliason by Nat Eliason

    Alex Wittenberg added

  • from Early Work by Paul Graham

    Ajinkya Wadhwa added