Geek in Japan: Discovering the Land of Manga, Anime, Zen, and the Tea Ceremony (Geek In...guides)
Hector Garciaamazon.comSaved by Lael Johnson and
Geek in Japan: Discovering the Land of Manga, Anime, Zen, and the Tea Ceremony (Geek In...guides)
Saved by Lael Johnson and
Don’t you have the feeling when you face something that is iki or wabi-sabi that it’s trying to communicate wisdom through silence?
The matsuri are ideal occasions to witness the authentic traditional Japan. Their specific dates depend on the year, the season, and the location, so you should ask for information wherever you are staying. In any case, here is a list of the most important national celebrations throughout the year: – Seijin Shiki (Coming of Age Day): second Monday
... See moreagainst all those who use violence to defend their ideals, territory, or ideology,
Today there is only one artist left in the world who still produces handcrafted karakuri. His name is Shobei Tamaya IX,
This symbol also represents the word wife. If we break it down into parts, the meaning is “woman” and “broom.”
Japanese companies are famous for doing things well but slowly.
What is expressed orally by the individual is tatemae, and what he really thinks is honne. This may be a fact of life in every country
What is expressed orally by the individual is tatemae, and what he really thinks is honne.
These trees start generating pollen when they are 30 or 40 years old.
Zen aims to achieve enlightenment through the liberation of the mind, by seeking the union of body and spirit, the state of spiritual peace that leaves your mind blank.