Future Shock
In our lifetime the boundaries have burst Today the network of social ties is so tightly woven that the consequences of contemporary events radiate instantaneously around the world.
Alvin Toffler • Future Shock
Future shock is a time phenomenon, a product of the greatly accelerated rate of change in society. It arises from the superimposition of a new culture on an old one. It is culture shock in one’s own society.
Alvin Toffler • Future Shock
Similarly, two hours in the life of a four-year-old may be the felt equivalent of twelve hours in the life of her twenty-four-year-old mother. Asking the child to wait two hours for a piece of candy may be the equivalent of asking the mother to wait fourteen hours for a cup of coffee.
Alvin Toffler • Future Shock
I hope, that, unless man quickly learns to control the rate of change in his personal affairs as well as in society at large, we are doomed to a massive adaptational breakdown.
Alvin Toffler • Future Shock
The inhabitants of the earth are divided not only by race, nation, religion or ideology, but also, in a sense, by their position in time.
Alvin Toffler • Future Shock
If acceleration is a new social force, transience is its psychological counterpart,
Alvin Toffler • Future Shock
Man’s perception of time is closely linked with his internal rhythms. But his responses to time are culturally conditioned.
Alvin Toffler • Future Shock
Without time, change has no meaning. And without change, time would stop.
Alvin Toffler • Future Shock
children who at twelve are no longer childlike; adults who at fifty are children of twelve.
Alvin Toffler • Future Shock
The maps of the world drawn by the medieval cartographers were so hopelessly inaccurate, so filled with factual error, that they elicit condescending smiles today when almost the entire surface of the earth has been charted. Yet the great explorers could never have discovered the New World without them. Nor could the better, more accurate maps of t
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