From Spark to Flame: Fanning Your Passion & Ideas into Moneymaking Magazine Articles that Make a Difference (Monetizing Your Purpose & Passion Series Book 1)
- Begin to notice which ideas really excite you. See if a pattern begins to emerge. It may suggest a specialty you would enjoy developing. 4. Once a week sit down with an empty pad of paper and write down as many ideas as possible that come to you in fifteen minutes.
W. Bradford Swift • From Spark to Flame: Fanning Your Passion & Ideas into Moneymaking Magazine Articles that Make a Difference (Monetizing Your Purpose & Passion Series Book 1)
one time North American rights, which mean you’re giving the magazine permission to publish the article one time in their North American publication, they may be expecting all rights in all different forms.
W. Bradford Swift • From Spark to Flame: Fanning Your Passion & Ideas into Moneymaking Magazine Articles that Make a Difference (Monetizing Your Purpose & Passion Series Book 1)
"Words do not label things already there. Words are like the knife of the carver: They free the idea, the thing, from the general formlessness of the outside. As a man speaks, not only is his language in a state of birth, but also the very thing about which he is talking." From an Old Eskimo saying
W. Bradford Swift • From Spark to Flame: Fanning Your Passion & Ideas into Moneymaking Magazine Articles that Make a Difference (Monetizing Your Purpose & Passion Series Book 1)
Call to Action Assignment 1. Pick at least three of your hottest ideas, the ones you would really like to write about and that seem to have several likely markets. Write the basic idea on a sheet of paper or use the Article Development Form. 2. Develop these ideas thoroughly. See how many different slants or spins you can create with each idea.
W. Bradford Swift • From Spark to Flame: Fanning Your Passion & Ideas into Moneymaking Magazine Articles that Make a Difference (Monetizing Your Purpose & Passion Series Book 1)
It’s well worth the thirty dollar investment, and you can also register to receive the same information from the Web site.
W. Bradford Swift • From Spark to Flame: Fanning Your Passion & Ideas into Moneymaking Magazine Articles that Make a Difference (Monetizing Your Purpose & Passion Series Book 1)
Now, I’m not saying you can’t make a good living as a freelance writer. What I am saying that spending some time to become clear what your purpose is for writing and how it ties in with your greater life purpose will make all the difference in your writing, and in your life. In fact, a clear sense of purpose will act like a magnet that will attract
... See moreW. Bradford Swift • From Spark to Flame: Fanning Your Passion & Ideas into Moneymaking Magazine Articles that Make a Difference (Monetizing Your Purpose & Passion Series Book 1)
Many experienced writers will tell an aspiring writer that if you want to make it in this profession, you must figure out what the market is looking for and provide it. I agree . . . to a degree. While your articles must fit into whatever magazines you desire to write for, you can also write from your passion and find many magazines that will suppo
... See moreW. Bradford Swift • From Spark to Flame: Fanning Your Passion & Ideas into Moneymaking Magazine Articles that Make a Difference (Monetizing Your Purpose & Passion Series Book 1)
The secret to purposeful play is to not get overly attached to the results you’re out to produce. While it may sound paradoxical, it’s possible to be committed to your writing career while at the same time not taking it too seriously. When you stay committed and unattached, you’ll probably find you’re much more effective at producing results. Now t
... See moreW. Bradford Swift • From Spark to Flame: Fanning Your Passion & Ideas into Moneymaking Magazine Articles that Make a Difference (Monetizing Your Purpose & Passion Series Book 1)
As Lisa Collier Cool writes in her book How to Sell Every Magazine Article You Write, the slant or angle of an idea is “what makes a submission right for one magazine, wrong for another.” Having a well thought-out and defined slant will not only make your idea more appealing to the editor, it will also make the article easier to write.