First drafts - Austin Kleon
all I had to do was to write a really shitty first draft of, say, the opening paragraph. And no one was going to see it.
Anne Lamott • Bird by Bird: Some Instructions on Writing and Life
[ • Putting Ideas Into Words
“Your first draft isn’t an unoriginal idea expressed clearly; it’s an original idea expressed poorly, and it is accompanied by your amorphous dissatisfaction, your awareness of the distance between what it says and what you want it to say. That’s what directs you during rewriting, and that’s one of the things lacking when you start with text genera
... See morePaul Graham • Taste for Makers
A first draft is seldom appropriately shown to any but the most gentle and discerning eye. It often takes another artist to see the embryonic work that is trying to sprout. The inexperienced or harsh critical eye, instead of nurturing the shoot of art into being, may shoot it down instead.
Julia Cameron • The Artist's Way: A Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity
the only way I can get anything written at all is to write really, really shitty first drafts.