Navigate the world on their own terms. The best high potential youth are often unconventional in some ways. And if you’re looking for someone unconventional and high potential, they’ll often have a rationale for their unconventional approach. Ideally they can describe their weird path in an internally coherent way without being egotistical or defe
The combo of intellectual grandiosity and intense competitiveness was a perfect fit for me. It’s still hard to find today, in fact - many people have copied the ‘hardcore’ working culture and the ‘this is the Marines’ vibe, but few have the intellectual atmosphere, the sense of being involved in a rich set of ideas . This is hard to LARP - your fou... See more
Theory for excellence. "Excellence" is a surprisingly generalizable skill. People who've been great at *anything* are more likely to have the drive and self-discipline to excel even at something unrelated. In 2015, we hired a number of ex-Juilliard musicians with no engineering experience with the assumption that “people who know how to be meticul