federated wiki
If you are like I once was, lost at sea than this might just help you find your path. For me this journey begins two decades ago when a senior executive handed me a short document and asked “Does this strategy makes sense?”
Simon Wardley • Highlights From medium.com
The web is what we make it
Laurel Schwulst • My website is a shifting house next to a river of knowledge. What could yours be?
We weren’t heading in a particular direction; we were just opportunists. We lacked this whole “why of movement” that I had seen in Chess.
Simon Wardley • Highlights From medium.com
How do I make my organization a platform for participation?
Anthony Williams • Wikinomics: How Mass Collaboration Changes Everything
The modern Idea Machine better reflects how people self-organize today. They are decentralized, more closely intertwined with public dialogue, and work symbiotically with a community that anyone can join: many individual nodes operating in a loosely-organized network, instead of a monolithic organization.
Nadia Asparouhova • Idea Machines
The project of decentralizing the web is vast, and only just beginning. It means finding a way to uproot our expression and communication from the walled gardens of tech platforms, and finding novel ways to distribute the responsibilities of infrastructure across a collective network.