Expanding Our Cultural Reference Points
added by Esther Eze · updated 10mo ago
added by Esther Eze · updated 10mo ago
If we continually root ourselves in base notions of fear, darkness, alienation, we in web3 are going to find ourselves struggling with the same things we struggle with today; people outside who are hyper-critical get the sense we’re not speaking to real problems.
Esther Eze added 2y ago
My web3 fears are that the basis for it all is two artefacts which were already distant to most people: financialization and the 1% art market (art as status or identity exploration which is so hyper 1%). These are potentially alienating bases to start from; where does it mean we can go?
Esther Eze added 2y ago
Natalie Audelo added 10mo ago
My web3 fears are that the basis for it all is two artefacts which were already distant to most people: financialization and the 1% art market (art as status or identity exploration which is so hyper 1%). These are potentially alienating bases to start from; where does it mean we can go?
Esther Eze added 2y ago