Exiles and Expressionism: The Transatlantic Exodus of European Filmmakers

Dune Part Two and the Return of Socialist Realism We are living through an era of thudding cultural literalism.In our narrative products (movies, TV and to a lesser but noticeable extent, novels) that has meant that instead of story we get plot, premise and lore, dialogue is replaced by
all-cats-are-beautiful.ghost.ioTime is the new space. The digital annihilation of physical distance means that culture must be organized temporally.
Drew Austin • #187: A Rainbow in Curved Air
Perhaps transformation into art is one way of dealing with the overstimulation of modern life. Art binds chaotic impressions into form … Perhaps film emerged when it did because it was just the therapy people needed to bind into manageable form the chaos of modern overstimulation.
Christopher Hauke • Visible Mind: Movies, modernity and the unconscious
we are losing our capacity to “conceptualize a tomorrow that [is] radically different from our present.
walkerart.org • The Gift: Creativity and the Artist in the Modern World
The architecture of a civilization is always in communion with its technology. Its effects are deeper than just the immediate appearance of buildings: the process of technology colors everything about how a culture interacts with the world. In the early 20th century, the mathematical rationalism of inventors and engineers intermixed with the wealth... See more