Exiles and Expressionism: The Transatlantic Exodus of European Filmmakers

Christopher Hauke Visible Mind: Movies, modernity and the unconscious

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Dune Part Two and the Return of Socialist Realism We are living through an era of thudding cultural literalism.In our narrative products (movies, TV and to a lesser but noticeable extent, novels) that has meant that instead of story we get plot, premise and lore, dialogue is replaced by


Christopher Hauke Visible Mind: Movies, modernity and the unconscious

walkerart.org The Gift: Creativity and the Artist in the Modern World

Dark Futures: How the European Dream of Modernization Ended in Totalitarian Despair

Glenn Adamsonlithub.com
Thumbnail of Dark Futures: How the European Dream of Modernization Ended in Totalitarian Despair

Joanna Hoffman Futures From Ruins

Laurence Endersen Pebbles of Perception: How a Few Good Choices Make All The Difference