Saved by Mo Shafieeha
Exchange Infrastructure for the Internet | Greylock
Infrastructure to exchange resources with unknown people and businesses.
Seth Rosenberg • First Principles of Investing in FinTech
sari added
In the internet of value, greater amounts of liquidity are necessary to do more things and move additional value. Thin liquidity means participants will not move greater value, because the value loss to them is too high. Imagine an economy where value cannot flow freely because every time it moves, exchanges, or transfers; it loses value. This is t... See more
BanklessDAO • Liquidity is bandwidth on Bankless
Alex Wittenberg added
In Web3—the internet of value—liquidity is the new bandwidth. Data bandwidth allowed communication to flow freely, but liquidity bandwidth enables value to flow freely.
BanklessDAO • Liquidity is bandwidth on Bankless
Alex Wittenberg added
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blog.0xproject.comMo Shafieeha added
Value transfer has replaced data transfer, and liquidity is the new bandwidth of the Web3 network. The issue is that the liquidity bandwidth is currently thin and unreliable. Take a look at how many tokens are currently sidelined, rather than being used as liquidity. The answer is a majority.
BanklessDAO • Liquidity is bandwidth on Bankless
Alex Wittenberg added
-Help the most forward-thinking “web 2” companies decentralize their operations, engaging at the CEO and Board of Directors level to assist in tokenomics as well as technical implementation.
Roham Gharegozlou • The Future of [X] is Decentralized
sari added
The decentralized economy will truly be unleashed.As we move towards a future with broadband liquidity, it becomes challenging to imagine what, exactly, that future looks like. While we know that deep liquidity will enable reliable pricing and less volatility, the implications are much more intriguing.
BanklessDAO • Liquidity is bandwidth on Bankless
Alex Wittenberg added
-Efficient because intermediaries have been replaced with smart contracts.
Kevin Owocki • The Internet of Jobs is coming on Bankless
sari added