Every Once In A While

But every once in a while someone puts themselves out there. Makes the leap. Faces rejection or failure or worse. And comes out the other side. Better. Changed. Bolder.Most people won’t. Which means those that do change everything.
Bryce Roberts • Most People Won't
creative accomplishment comes from being willing to take a lot of chances.
Scott Young • Get Better at Anything

we say, “If you can make a compelling argument, and win enough minds, and if you can transform various parts of our world sufficiently, then the moment belongs to you.”
Debbie Millman • Brand Thinking and Other Noble Pursuits
But every once in a while someone puts themselves out there. Makes the leap. Faces rejection or failure or worse. And comes out the other side. Better. Changed. Bolder.
Most people won’t. Which means those that do change everything.
Most people won’t. Which means those that do change everything.
brycedotvc • Most People Won’t
On the Shoulders of Giants