• How Google Works

    by Jonathan Rosenberg

    Cover of How Google Works

    RP and added

  • from Email Is Still the Best Thing on the Internet by Alexis Madrigal

    sari added

  • A World Without Email: Reimagining Work in an Age of Communication Overload

    by Cal Newport

    Cover of A World Without Email: Reimagining Work in an Age of Communication Overload
  • from We Don’t Sell Saddles Here by Stewart Butterfield

    Alex Dobrenko added

  • from Slow Productivity by Cal Newport

    Mike "Bagel" added

  • from The AI Unbundling by Ben Thompson

    sari added

  • The Art of Gig, Volume 1

    by Grace Witherell

    Cover of The Art of Gig, Volume 1
  • from The Web is Dead. Long Live the Internet by Michael Wolff

    sari added