
Sophie McBain The big idea: why we should spend more time talking to strangers

Daniel Stillman Instead of Networking, Build a Serendipity Engine — Daniel Stillman

MØRNING Q̾u̾i̾c̾k̾ ̾F̾i̾r̾e̾: Creation Anxiety

Joe Lightfoot Of Pods, Squads, Crews & Gangs: Small Group Experiments In Radical Belonging

Phosphorescence: On awe, wonder and things that sustain you when the world goes dark

Julia Baird

Cover of Phosphorescence: On awe, wonder and things that sustain you when the world goes dark

theconvivialsociety.substack.com The Paradox of Control

Andrew Root The Congregation in a Secular Age (Ministry in a Secular Age Book #3): Keeping Sacred Time against the Speed of Modern Life

Kirk Schneider Tech-vexed: how digital life threatens our capacity for awe | Aeon Essays