In a similar way, we often hire a grudge to fulfill an emotional need that is not currently being met. But as we conduct a performance review, we discover grudges perform poorly.
Greg McKeown • Effortless
An Effortless Summary
Greg McKeown • Effortless
We are conditioned over the course of our lifetimes to believe that in order to overachieve we must also overdo. As a result, we make things harder for ourselves than they need to be.
Greg McKeown • Effortless
Greg McKeown • Effortless
Every nonessential step comes with an opportunity cost, so for each nonessential step removed, we gain more time, energy, and cognitive resources to put toward what’s essential.
Greg McKeown • Effortless
“Slow is smooth. Smooth is fast”
Greg McKeown • Effortless
Getting more sleep may be the single greatest gift we can give our bodies, our minds, and even, it turns out, our bottom lines.