• As a new founder, it’s tempting and often discouraging to compare your inside to another’s outside. Every other founder and company looks so well put together, whereas you are of course all too aware of your shortcomings and insecurities.

    Because of how much we deify the great entrepreneurs of our time, we end up inevitably comparing our new company
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from Edward Lando by John Koenig

sari added 9mo ago

  • Conviction is the rarest resource in the world.

    Not money.

    Not intelligence.

    Not access.


    I’ve met a lot of people who are very intelligent and have an awesome (in the literal sense) arsenal of skills and advantages at their disposal.

    But that doesn’t make them dangerous, because they usually don’t know where to go with all of this. (In fact,
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    from Edward Lando by John Koenig

    sari added 9mo ago