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Ted Gioia • My 12 Favorite Problems
from paul millerd:
In the corporate world impact was so commonly tied up with top down ideological plans and i saw over and over again that they didn’t pan out.
If someone reads my book says they like it, and found it useful cool. I receive that compliment. But trying to come up with some random abstract big number of people I want to reach? It’s re
... See moreWorking in technology means one thing above all else: chasing scale. There is a reason why much of the tech world is obsessed with growth. Free from physical constraints, digital systems can scale to an incomprehensible size. The appeal of conquering the engineering, design and business challenges of mega-scale is strong, the rewards immense. But u
... See moreI met a social worker whose job was to look after four orphaned children. She’d alternate with her coworkers spending 24 hours at a time living with the kids, effectively acting as their parent. The children, unsurprisingly, had a lot of trauma and so her job was certainly not an easy one, but she found it deeply rewarding and she
... See moreI believe “what effect do you want to have on people” is one of the most important questions we should ask when we are making something. Life isn't just a series of problems to be solved but experiences to be had.
the startupy newsletter • Things I'm Thinking About
Impacting the World This one is simple, but so dangerous. If the world is different because you are in it, then you must matter. You must be important if things changed because you exist. But if that’s what you believe, then the bigger the impact, the more you matter, and that can lead to some bad places.