Discord: Imagine a Place

Packy McCormick Discord: Imagine a Place | The Generalist

Discord: Imagine a Place | The Generalist

Mario Gabrielereadthegeneralist.com
Thumbnail of Discord: Imagine a Place | The Generalist

How Discord (Somewhat Accidentally) Invented the Future of the Internet

Thumbnail of How Discord (Somewhat Accidentally) Invented the Future of the Internet

sari and added

Read Write Own: Building the Next Era of the Internet

Chris Dixon

Cover of Read Write Own: Building the Next Era of the Internet

#2 - Discord and the Creator Economy

Derek Yangcreatoreconomy.us
Thumbnail of #2 - Discord and the Creator Economy

The Dao of DAOs - Not Boring by Packy McCormick

Thumbnail of The Dao of DAOs - Not Boring by Packy McCormick

sari and added

Reputation in Web3: Ships Built on the Great Flood

Thumbnail of Reputation in Web3: Ships Built on the Great Flood

sari and added