Saved by MK
Dirt | Substack
When we dress to be photographed, we increasingly dress to be distributed as an image, and thus transformed into a kind of ad.
Dirt • Dirt | Substack
This was what personal style was to me in 2008: a cipher for something much broader, a glimpse into the lives of others.
Dirt • Dirt | Substack
Flat is in essence a process of homogenization. Today it doesn’t matter where an influencer lives, because she dresses like she’s from the internet, and that’s all that counts.
Dirt • Dirt | Substack
Welcome to the flat era of fashion. Flat is what happens when consumers buy clothing on the basis of how it looks in two dimensions, in an image to be shared on social media.
Dirt • Dirt | Substack
Character is gone, because eccentricity is harder to duplicate and sell in bulk.