Director Daniel Kwan: "Genius Emerges From the Collective"

The stories our culture tells about creativity almost always concern individuals: think Steve Jobs, Albert Einstein, Kanye West. These stories are tempting because they are simple, because they appeal to our veneration for individualism, because we love our heroes. We have very few models for storytelling that concern small groups of people, or ent... See more
Your elusive creative genius | Elizabeth Gilbert
This is one of the paradoxes of creative collaboration. Great Groups are made up of people with rare gifts working together as equals. Yet, in virtually every one there is one person who acts as maestro, organizing the genius of the others. He or she is a pragmatic dreamer, a person with an original but attainable vision. Ironically, the leader is
... See morePatricia Ward Biederman • Organizing Genius: The Secrets of Creative Collaboration

What I love about the idea of scenius is that it makes room in the story of creativity for the rest of us: the people who don’t consider ourselves geniuses. Being a valuable part of a scenius is not necessarily about how smart or talented you are, but about what you have to contribute—the ideas you share, the quality of the connections you make, an... See more
Further Notes on Scenius

It's important to recognize we're in the lineage of art movements...I'm sure...you're trying to challenge yourself to invent something new. Try to be so avant-garde, that has zero [connection to the past]. That's impossible...We exist off the backs of many other things in iterations before us. So once you think about us as a collective, you then re... See more