• from Firehose #158: 🍰 Capital stack. 🍰 by Alex Taussig

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  • Is Debt Coming to Tech?

    by Ali Hamed

    1 highlight

    Thumbnail of Is Debt Coming to Tech?

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  • When Tailwinds Vanish

    by luttig.substack.com

    3 highlights

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  • from Pipe It! Platforms, Funding, and the Future by Alex Danco

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  • from Is Debt Coming to Tech? by Ali Hamed

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  • Compounding Crazy

    by notboring.co

    21 highlights

    Thumbnail of Compounding Crazy

    Alex Wittenberg and added

  • from The End of Web3 by @ttunguz by Tomasz Tunguz

    Alex White added

  • from Understanding science funding in tech, 2011-2021 by Nadia Asparouhova

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