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Dangerous Feelings

“I learned early that people will admire your work more if they are not jealous of you.” – Benjamin Franklin
Morgan Housel • Makes You Think
The fact is confidence operates on a thin line. Possess too little and you will never take enough risk. Possess too much and you will inevitably take imprudent risks. This is why, as with most things in life, having the right balance is critical.
Collaborative Fund • The Thin Line
There’s a powerful urge to think risk is something that happens to other people. Other people get unlucky, other people make dumb decisions, other people get swayed by the seduction of greed and fear. But you ? Me ? No, never us. False confidence makes the eventual reality all the more shocking.
Collab Fund • A Few Short Stories
Simply put, success breeds confidence. The longer this success lasts, the more a leader’s confidence grows.
The tricky part is that this increase in confidence is initially a positive because it is what enables a leader to take risks, expand, and grow. However, if success is sustained for long enough, an increase in confidence can morph from an adva... See more
The tricky part is that this increase in confidence is initially a positive because it is what enables a leader to take risks, expand, and grow. However, if success is sustained for long enough, an increase in confidence can morph from an adva... See more