• Curators Are the New Creators

    by Gaby Goldberg

    3 highlights

    Thumbnail of Curators Are the New Creators

    sari added

  • Curators Are the New Creators

    by Gaby Goldberg

    9 highlights

    Thumbnail of Curators Are the New Creators

    Lucas Jackson and added

  • from The rise of community-curated knowledge networks by Sari Azout

    Luc Cheung and added

  • from Curators Are the New Creators by Gaby Goldberg

    sari added

  • from Curators Are the New Creators by Gaby Goldberg

    Lucas Jackson added

  • from no. 13 — Reclaiming discovery from the algorithms by Michelle Rose Joseph

    sari and added

  • from Curators Are the New Creators by Gaby Goldberg

    alice smith added

  • from Curators All the Way Down by Gaby Goldberg

    Luc Cheung added