Critical Thinking, Logic &Amp; Problem Solving

Critical Listening
Neuronswaves • Critical Thinking, Logic &Amp; Problem Solving
Instead of "Is the team performing?", ask "Which team dynamics are influencing the current performance, positively or negatively?"
Neuronswaves • Critical Thinking, Logic &Amp; Problem Solving
Practice Makes Perfect
Neuronswaves • Critical Thinking, Logic &Amp; Problem Solving
Elements of Thought At the core of the framework are the 'Elements of Thought', which serve as fundamental aspects that thinkers must consider when assessing a particular issue. Let's delve into each:
Neuronswaves • Critical Thinking, Logic &Amp; Problem Solving
Inductive reasoning is like assembling a jigsaw puzzle. You might not have the entire picture initially, but as you place each piece in its proper spot, a clearer image emerges.
Neuronswaves • Critical Thinking, Logic &Amp; Problem Solving
Confirmation bias is a psychological trap where you gravitate towards information that aligns with your existing beliefs, and, conversely, dismiss or undervalue opposing viewpoints.
Neuronswaves • Critical Thinking, Logic &Amp; Problem Solving
- Actor-Observer Bias
Neuronswaves • Critical Thinking, Logic &Amp; Problem Solving
Bridging Differences: The Middle Ground Fallacy