Conor and his team are interested in creating ad-hoc social communities where people making connections obscure connections in one area can meet and interact with other people who are also interested in that topic
“You couldn’t easily remix these notes, especially if they were originally organized by book…you can’t see all of the questions from all of the authors or all of the quotes that relate to one particular topic” – Conor White-Sullivan
“The mark of a good knowledge management system is it’s able to surprise you and it’s able to be a good conversational partner…it’s reminding you things you thought before” – Conor White-Sullivan
“It’s easy for you to roam or wander through your old notes to find nuggets that you want to reuse…you should be able to get compound interest from your past writings” – Conor White-Sullivan
“I’m very bullish on just general intelligence augmentation and ways for people to think about patterns of thought and unique UIs for running algorithms where you are the compiler” – Conor White-Sullivan