Shifting to an outcome mindset is harder than it looks. We spend most of our time talking about outputs. So, it’s not surprising that we tend to confuse the two. Even when teams intend to choose an outcome, they often fall into the trap of selecting an output. I see teams set their outcome as “Launch an Android app” instead of “Increase mobile enga... See more
That means rather than defining your success by the code that you ship (your output), you define success as the value that code creates for your customers and for your business (the outcomes).
two of the most important steps for reaching our desired outcome are first, how we map out and structure the opportunity space, and second, how we select which opportunities to pursue.
I’ll refer to the work that you do to decide what to build as discovery and the work that you do to build and ship a product as delivery. This distinction matters. As you’ll see, many companies put a heavy emphasis on delivery—they focus on whether you shipped what you said you would on time and on budget—while under-investing in discovery, forgett... See more