added by andrea and · updated 10mo ago
Confessions of an Information Hoarder
- We have more public information than ever, but what if there is also less transmission of more personal information between people—especially between generations. What is lost if our digital heirlooms become inaccessible to close relatives? What is lost if estates do not donate prominent people's cloud data to university archives?
from Confessions of an Information Hoarder by Charlie Warzel
Sam Liebeskind added 1y ago
- Similarly, I was foolish and didn’t upload my high-school, college, and pre-2013 photos, most of them digital, to the cloud. Thanks to a damaged hard drive and a lost computer, most of these photos are gone, creating a massive hole in my life. What does it mean that my digital likeness, save for some Facebook photos, begins so late? Are the memorie... See more
from Confessions of an Information Hoarder by Charlie Warzel
Sam Liebeskind added 1y ago