• from Planet City -- a sci-fi vision of an astonishing regenerative future by TED

    Jay Matthews added

  • from What Does An Ecological Civilization Look Like? by Jeremy Lent

    Keely Adler added

  • from The Biggest Little Farm Movie. Coming to theaters Spring 2019

    Lien De Ruyck added

  • from Futurism: An Anthology (2009) by Laura Wittman

    Jay Matthews added

  • from "Three Theses on Liminality" by Jeremy Johnson

    Stuart Evans added

  • from Now That You’ve Found the Others What Are You Going to Do? by Emerge

    Stuart Evans added

  • from On Lore by Venkatesh Rao

    Sarah Drinkwater added

  • from Welcome to Terranascient Futures Studies & Foresight by Medium

    Keely Adler added