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Co-Living: Sharing Economy, Downsizing, Experiences

Once the immediate adjustments are made, there will be winners and losers. Absent extensive bankruptcies (and missed rent payments), traditional commercial landlords may take the lightest hit as companies still need office space, but the WeWorks of the world are in for tough times as struggling startups and small businesses look for cheaper (or fre... See more
Techcrunch • Leading VCs discuss how COVID-19 is impacting real estate & proptech
In Canada, urban co-living startups, like Roost and SoulRooms, echo the broader turn toward “adult dorm” housing setups seen in cities from Dublin to New York.
Kelli Maria Korducki • The Rise of the Roommate | The Walrus
ONE SHARED HOUSE: a radical experiment in communal living
At scale, Wander’s goal is to create an affordable experience at the intersection of life, work, and travel; potentially posing as a feasible alternative to rent.
Kyle Tibbitts • #19 — John Andrew Entwistle — Traveling into the future
We are focused on “DIY” coliving. DIY in this context means people building coliving from scratch for their friends and network rather than as a business for strangers. There are companies that also provide professionally-managed coliving (which we totally support and think fills an important need). But we also suspect the best communities are buil... See more