RabbitHole is already the market leader in token distribution + customer acquisition for crypto protocols. We've given out hundreds of thousands of dollars in token rewards to users all around the world while pioneering a "learn-to-earn" model which incentivizes intentional participation with crypto projects over pure speculation + "number go up" d... See more
Neo is instructed by some shadowy presence seemingly in his computer to “follow the white rabbit.” That’s a reference to Lewis Carroll’s “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland,” one of the movie’s structuring literary allusions.
A chapter titled “Down the Rabbit Hole” coined the phrase that is now used to describe becoming so obsessed with something that... See more
It’s impressive that in 2022, when it feels like everything we’re doing is being mined, lumped into categories, catapulted back at us in the form of ads and content, the world is being NFT-ified, yada yada yada—that you can still fall down rabbit holes on the internet and discover something no algorithm has found. A sound and scene that’s still lea... See more
Today, RabbitHole helps crypto projects to get more users and find contributors. Tomorrow, RabbitHole wants to become the credentialing system for web3 aka digital resume for the decentralized world. As users complete tasks, RabbitHole can curate an on-chain graph of a user’s prior achievements and thus develop a system of verifiable credentials. P... See more
We long for the day when Rabbithole or others have perfected the on-chain CV, but until that time, different levels of participation or contribution zones might act as proxies for reputation.
We’re building Metalabel with these primitives because it’s hard for us to see why we would, in 2022, make a web product that would trap a creator’s work in a walled garden, that wouldn’t offer utility beyond our walls, and that wouldn’t share value with the people who create it. These are radical and important goals — radical in a way that many cr... See more