Clicks & Clout: How We Seek Status In the Digital Age
What the internet and social media have done essentially is increase the surface area of status seeking to the digital realm and virtual realm, and vastly expanded that surface area.
Eugene Wei • Eugene Wei – Tech, Media, and Culture - [Invest Like the Best, EP.117]
That’s where status comes in.
Eugene Wei • Status Games: Engineering Scarcity in a World of Abundance
In our conversation, Nadia mentioned the classic piece “Status as a service” by Eugene Wei that details how Twitter functions (or functioned) as a giant status-seeking engine. This piece, Nadia proposed, crystalized the era of the internet when people were optimizing for likes and cultural cache in a game that felt novel and exciting. Something ess... See more
Yancey Strickler • The Dark Forest and the Post-Individual
Now that digital ownership is exploding by way of NFTs, people are seeing bigger financial and status opportunities online than offline. This is the biggest catalyst for living online we’ve seen to date. Individuals are building status and identity in the virtual world the way that they do in the physical world. Why own a Gucci bag to impress a few... See more
Jarrod Dicker • The Dawn of Consumer Crypto — Mirror
instead of seeking to maximize status — which some of us still do — more of us find ourselves seeking safety and context online instead.