Lifeshed defined : A Place in which each and every life form works reciprocally (not transactionally), systemically (not fragmentedly), and dynamically (not statically) to promote each being contributing and benefiting. A lifeshed is framed and bounded by the value-adding processes needed to work to be healthy and evolutionary. The same bounded pla... See more
Carol Sanford • Lifeshed: History of the Idea and Term!
My soul turns into a tree, And an animal, and a cloud bank. Then changed and odd it comes home And asks me questions. What should I reply? —Hermann Hesse, “Sometimes”
Bernie Krause • Wild Soundscapes: Discovering the Voice of the Natural World, Revised Edition
Think of this image for a moment. What is planted in the earth with its head reaching for the heavens? Of course it is us, the sentient creatures of this world.
Alan Lew • Be Still and Get Going: A Jewish Meditation Practice for Real Life
LaMDA, Lemoine, and the Allures of Digital Re-enchantment
L. M. Sacasastheconvivialsociety.substack.comEiseley’s core point in his essay describing that event is that everything in nature is connected with everything else, and that you can understand this if you simply lie back and let that awareness wash over you. In social life, too, everybody is connected to everybody else by our shared common humanity. Sometimes we need to hitch a ride on someon
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