• Childhoods of exceptional people

    4 highlights

    Thumbnail of Childhoods of exceptional people

    Jake and added

  • from Gays, Jews, and Geniuses by Dror Poleg

    Lillian Sheng added

  • from You Can’t Math Your Way to Success

    Jessica added

  • from Why we stopped making Einsteins by erikhoel.substack.com

    Lillian Sheng added

  • from Childhoods of exceptional people

    Tejas Gawande added

  • from Childhoods of exceptional people

    Tejas Gawande added

  • Talent: How to Identify Energizers, Creatives, and Winners Around the World

    by Tyler Cowen

    Cover of Talent: How to Identify Energizers, Creatives, and Winners Around the World
  • from Why we stopped making Einsteins by erikhoel.substack.com

    Lillian Sheng added