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Can CBD Really Do All That? (Published 2019)
Is the Controlled Substances Act really responsible for the general decline since 1970? We’re not sure, but what is clear is that drugs are foundational technologies, like the motor, combustion engine, semiconductor, or the concept of an experiment. New drugs lead to scientific revolutions. Some of those drugs, like coffee, continue to fuel fields ... See more
Slime Mold Time Mold • Higher than the Shoulders of Giants; Or, a Scientist’s History of Drugs
“The only reason Recess isn’t available on Amazon and everywhere right now is because the regulation around CBD isn’t clear. Recess would be orders of magnitude bigger today if the regulation around CBD was clarified. I’m a proponent. I get why some founders, Emily at Glossier, don’t want to sell on Amazon right now. But a drink is a different type... See more
Modern Retail • Recess CEO Benjamin Witte: I reject the idea that being on Amazon hurts your brand
Higher than the Shoulders of Giants; Or, a Scientist’s History of Drugs
Slime Mold Time Moldslimemoldtimemold.comCannabis is one of the bright spots in the pandemic
Techcrunch • Where these 6 top VCs are investing in cannabis
Ten Drugs- thomas Hager
People have different diseases, doctors hold different ideas about those diseases, and diseases carry different meanings in society
No drug is good, no drug is bad, for every drug is both
Poppy seeds- over 10,000 years ago- in today’s Syria
Opium was appealing because it always pitched the body while romancing the imagination... See more
People have different diseases, doctors hold different ideas about those diseases, and diseases carry different meanings in society
No drug is good, no drug is bad, for every drug is both
Poppy seeds- over 10,000 years ago- in today’s Syria
Opium was appealing because it always pitched the body while romancing the imagination... See more
Although the attractiveness of these products to consumers is clear, direct-to-consumer products bypass the typical filters and safeguards of health-care systems. The risk is that low value, or even harmful, products will inundate the commercial health-care market. There are cautionary instances of high-profile direct-to-consumer companies, such as... See more