Building SimCity: How to Put the World in a Machine (Game Histories)
Urban Dynamics was roundly slammed by urban planners, social scientists, and experienced urban simulation practitioners,
Chaim Gingold • Building SimCity: How to Put the World in a Machine (Game Histories)
(Schelling was well aware that the dynamics he described were, in all likelihood, less powerful than segregation’s other causes: organized discrimination, suppressed civil rights, and social inequity.)
Chaim Gingold • Building SimCity: How to Put the World in a Machine (Game Histories)
The contingent and representational nature of the modeling act is elided,
Chaim Gingold • Building SimCity: How to Put the World in a Machine (Game Histories)
What software does, then, is obfuscate one world and produce another.
Chaim Gingold • Building SimCity: How to Put the World in a Machine (Game Histories)
what would happen if children could play at building little artificial minds.
Chaim Gingold • Building SimCity: How to Put the World in a Machine (Game Histories)
Construction that takes place “in the head” often happens especially felicitously when it is supported by construction of a more public sort “in the world”—a
Chaim Gingold • Building SimCity: How to Put the World in a Machine (Game Histories)
Software, as a result, reflects nothing so much as people: their histories and dreams, intentions and fears, worldviews and milieus.
Chaim Gingold • Building SimCity: How to Put the World in a Machine (Game Histories)
these projects were either for training or advocacy, not open-ended debate.
Chaim Gingold • Building SimCity: How to Put the World in a Machine (Game Histories)
In a business game, participants played the model. In industrial dynamics, participants built the model.
Chaim Gingold • Building SimCity: How to Put the World in a Machine (Game Histories)
To make SimCity, Wright reconciled the top-down (and nonspatial) representation of system dynamics with other approaches, like cellular automata and game sprites, where behavior emerges, bottom-up, from interacting parts situated in space.