• from Why social media can’t keep moderating content in the shadows by Joan Donovan

    sari added

  • The Internet Doesn’t Have to Be Awful

    by Anne Applebaum

    Thumbnail of The Internet Doesn’t Have to Be Awful

    Jilber Najem and added

  • from Questions and Cancers by Joe Maceda

    sari and added

  • from Wiki as a Commons by Gordon Brander

    sari added

  • from Quick Links for Wednesday, January 3

    JC and added

  • from The Dark Forest Theory of the Internet by Yancey Strickler

    sari and added

  • from How to quit Facebook without quitting Facebook by Jenny Odell

    sari and added

  • [Report] Bad News, by Joseph Bernstein | Harper's Magazine

    by harpers.org

    Thumbnail of [Report] Bad News, by Joseph Bernstein | Harper's Magazine

    Jilber Najem and added