The Pomp Podcast on Apple Podcasts
The Pomp Podcast on Apple Podcasts
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It has a high information density
Brian Norgard
The Pomp Podcast on Apple Podcasts
“Today, voice is not a platform; it’s an interface. It could become a platform.” – Brian Norgard
Brian Norgard
The Pomp Podcast on Apple Podcasts
There’s a human touch (contrast this with words on a screen)
Brian Norgard
The Pomp Podcast on Apple Podcasts
“We wanted to create a frictionless environment with Spearhead to enable founders on the ground to fund the most interesting people and projects they know of at the very early stage” – Brian Norgard
Brian Norgard
The Pomp Podcast on Apple Podcasts
Why do people love the voice/audio interface?
Brian Norgard
The Pomp Podcast on Apple Podcasts
AirPods are accelerating the growth—Brian calls them “the second-best product Apple ever launched”
Brian Norgard
The Pomp Podcast on Apple Podcasts
Take AirPods, which are now in the “small” category; companies like NeuralLink will one day make them invisible
Brian Norgard
The Pomp Podcast on Apple Podcasts
All physical technology follows a similar trend: over time, its size goes from big to medium, from medium to small, and from small to invisible
Brian Norgard
The Pomp Podcast on Apple Podcasts
Multimodal consumption—you can listen while driving, running, walking to work, etc.
Brian Norgard
The Pomp Podcast on Apple Podcasts
Every year, Naval, Nivi, and Brian, through Spearhead, give up to $1 million to 30 founders; the founders then use the money to invest in friends
Brian Norgard
The Pomp Podcast on Apple Podcasts