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Brand Against the Machine
* Solve problems for people, make their lives easier, have a reason to exist in the marketplace, if you're just going to be like everyone else then what's the point?
John Morgan • Brand Against the Machine
* People don't care if your dog died. They care if their dog died.
John Morgan • Brand Against the Machine
* Your goal is to make your brand the top authority in your industry in the consumer's minds
John Morgan • Brand Against the Machine
* If you aren't so fired up and excited that you can't sleep at night, then don't expect anyone else to be fired up either
John Morgan • Brand Against the Machine
* Make what you do worth talking about
John Morgan • Brand Against the Machine
* The future of branding is marketing with people, and not at them
John Morgan • Brand Against the Machine
* Your brand is simply the emotional connection people have with your business
John Morgan • Brand Against the Machine
* Realize that you, not the product, create the value. There are many shoe companies, there is only one Nike