• Here Are 52 of My Favorite Quotes

    4 highlights

    Thumbnail of Here Are 52 of My Favorite Quotes

    soumik sen added

  • from In Flight | Mem Labs 🧠 by Mario Gabriele

    sari added

  • from The Folksonomy Edition by Colin Nagy

    sari added

  • Happy 20th Anniversary, Gmail. I’m Sorry I’m Leaving You.

    by Ezra Klein

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    Thumbnail of Happy 20th Anniversary, Gmail. I’m Sorry I’m Leaving You.

    sari and added

  • 23 Truths I Wish I Knew at 23

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    Thumbnail of 23 Truths I Wish I Knew at 23

    Annika Berlin added

  • Never Check Email Before Noon (And Other Thoughts on Doing Your Best Work)

    by James Clear

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    Thumbnail of Never Check Email Before Noon (And Other Thoughts on Doing Your Best Work)

    Mateo Balaña Paemen and added

  • from L.M. Sacasas on Instant Messenger Over Instant Messenger by Uri Bram

    sari added

  • from Is the Secret to Life a Good Email?

    Brian Wiesner added