• Liminal Creativity

    by Ness Labs

    13 highlights

    Thumbnail of Liminal Creativity

    Stuart Evans and added

  • from Liminal Creativity by Ness Labs

    Stuart Evans and added

  • from Liminal Creativity by Ness Labs

    lili added

  • from Liminal Creativity by Ness Labs

    Stuart Evans added

  • from Liminal Creativity by Ness Labs

    Stuart Evans and added

  • from "Three Theses on Liminality" by Jeremy Johnson

    Stuart Evans added

  • from Now that you’ve found the others what are you going to do? - Emerge by Jonathan Rowson

    Stuart Evans and added

  • from The Liminal Web: Mapping An Emergent Subculture Of Sensemakers, Meta-Theorists & Systems Poets by Joe Lightfoot

    Stuart Evans added