Saved by sari
belief over time
For me, this extends beyond writing. It’s true of everything in my life—reading, romantic relationships, friendships, and working out. It’s true of movements: I’ve been reflecting recently on how I entered tech at a time when everyone was obsessed with AI, and now five years later everyone is obsessed with Web3. We live in waves: peaks and troughs ... See more
Ava • belief over time
I think a lot about the fluctuations of belief—the inevitable up and downs of maintaining engagement with something over long periods of time. Most people seem to think that love is unchanging versus merely enduring, that if you’re really passionate about something you wake up excited to do it every day. I don’t believe that’s true. In fact, it set... See more
Ava • belief over time
That’s the fight—sticking with something long enough to have actually meaningful observations. You have to weather a lot of peaks and troughs to get there, but the time spent is worth it.