• Curate the Internet, Comprehend the World: Introducing Startupy

    by Tom White

    3 highlights

    Thumbnail of Curate the Internet, Comprehend the World: Introducing Startupy

    Tom White and added

  • from Free YouTube Transcripts by Otis Chandler

    sari added

  • from Re-Organizing the World’s Information: Why we need more Boutique Search Engines by mirror.xyz

    Luc Cheung added

  • from The Imperceptible Mechanisms of Deep Community by Justin Murphy

    Stuart Evans and added

  • from Plexus Voices

    Alex Dobrenko added

  • Things I'm thinking about

    by sari azout

    17 highlights

    Thumbnail of Things I'm thinking about

    Hamed and added

  • from 0️⃣0️⃣0️⃣ A platform with no likes, no follower count, and no comments by Josh Kramer

    Yanis Markin and added

  • from The Looking Glass: Love the problem by Julie Zhuo

    Hrisikesh Medhi added