For the foreseeable future, the most successful community currencies will come from games. What makes a virtual currency sustainable? The willingness of payers to convert and retain. Who has figured this out better than anyone? The free-to-play gaming industry, with annual microtransaction revenue of nearly $100b. What drives the willingness of gam... See more
Gaming is a hits-driven business, where the biggest productions cost hundreds of millions of dollars and need to find a way to recoup their sizable investments. As a result, the companies behind these massive games look for as many ways as possible to mitigate risk, either by copying popular trends (like the battle royale craze of the late 2010s) o... See more
Player retention in gaming is everything. Despite this, publishers optimize for company profit at the cost of player value and well-being. They are able to do this due to their end-to-end ownership and control over the development, distribution, and management of games.
Game's sources and sinks are CRITICAL to develop a healthy economy of a game, both web2 and web3.It helps to shape a sticky user's behavior, and, of course, affects user attraction and retention.