Saved by Keely Adler
Barbie, Her House and the American Dream
Dollhouses are an almost too-literal example of these women’s shrunken ambitions—of how, when you don’t have control over the big decisions shaping your life, you narrow your focus to a world that’s small enough for you to impose your will on it.
Rachel Monroe • Savage Appetites: Four True Stories of Women, Crime, and Obsession
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Aunt Lise taught us the basics of interior decorating, though the final choices about the style of our homes would of course be made by our husbands.
Margaret Atwood • The Testaments: The Sequel to The Handmaid’s Tale
Hyejoo Lee • Inside Voice - Real Life
Keely Adler added
We have been trained to view our houses and apartments as private refuges, but they must also be seen for what they are: job sites where millions of dollars of the global economy are directly exchanged.
Angela Garbes • Essential Labor: Mothering as Social Change
We have been trained to view our houses and apartments as private refuges, but they must also be seen for what they are: job sites where millions of dollars of the global economy are directly exchanged.
Angela Garbes • Essential Labor: Mothering as Social Change
% Derisible • Theses for 2020
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Eloise Hendy • Home is where the heart is, according to young people
Keely Adler and added