Autobiography of a Yogi (Reprint of the Philosophical library 1946 First Edition)
Self-scrutiny, relentless observance of one’s thoughts, is a stark and shattering experience. It pulverizes the stoutest ego. But true self-analysis mathematically operates to produce seers.
Paramhansa Yogananda • Autobiography of a Yogi (Reprint of the Philosophical library 1946 First Edition)
Thought is a force, even as electricity or gravitation. The human mind is a spark of the almighty consciousness of God. I could show you that whatever your powerful mind believes very intensely would instantly come to pass.’
Paramhansa Yogananda • Autobiography of a Yogi (Reprint of the Philosophical library 1946 First Edition)
It was in his thirty-third year that Lahiri Mahasaya saw fulfillment of the purpose for which he had been reincarnated on earth. The ash-hidden flame, long smouldering, received its opportunity to burst into flame. A divine decree, resting beyond the gaze of human beings, works mysteriously to bring all things into outer manifestation at the proper
... See moreParamhansa Yogananda • Autobiography of a Yogi (Reprint of the Philosophical library 1946 First Edition)
The goal of yoga science is to calm the mind, that without distortion it may mirror the divine vision in the universe.
Paramhansa Yogananda • Autobiography of a Yogi (Reprint of the Philosophical library 1946 First Edition)
“Mind is the wielder of muscles. The force of a hammer blow depends on the energy applied; the power expressed by a man’s bodily instrument depends on his aggressive will and courage.
Paramhansa Yogananda • Autobiography of a Yogi (Reprint of the Philosophical library 1946 First Edition)
“Our eagerness for worldly activity kills in us the sense of spiritual awe. We cannot comprehend the Great Life behind all names and forms, just because science brings home to us how we can use the powers of nature; this familiarity has bred a contempt for her ultimate secrets. Our relation with nature is one of practical business. We tease her, so
... See moreParamhansa Yogananda • Autobiography of a Yogi (Reprint of the Philosophical library 1946 First Edition)
“Creation is light and shadow both, else no picture is possible. The good and evil of maya must ever alternate in supremacy. If joy were ceaseless here in this world, would man ever seek another? Without suffering he scarcely cares to recall that he has forsaken his eternal home. Pain is a prod to remembrance. The way of escape is through wisdom! T
... See moreParamhansa Yogananda • Autobiography of a Yogi (Reprint of the Philosophical library 1946 First Edition)
“Why be elated by material profit?” Father replied. “The one who pursues a goal of evenmindedness is neither jubilant with gain nor depressed by loss. He knows that man arrives penniless in this world, and departs without a single rupee.”
Paramhansa Yogananda • Autobiography of a Yogi (Reprint of the Philosophical library 1946 First Edition)
Intuition† is soul guidance, appearing naturally in man during those instants when his mind is calm.
Paramhansa Yogananda • Autobiography of a Yogi (Reprint of the Philosophical library 1946 First Edition)
“God is simple. Everything else is complex. Do not seek absolute values in the relative world of nature.”