things is unavoidably entwined with metaphors of “atmospheres,” “airs,” and “climates”—then it is hardly projection to notice that it is not only human beings (and human-made spaces) that carry moods: that the living land in which we dwell, and in whose life we participate, has its own feeling-tone and style that vary throughout a day or a season.
David Abram • Becoming Animal
We have a tendency to think of earth as a closed system. it is not. we do not live in a sealed spacecraft, isolated from the environment in a convenient bubble of air. we travel rapidly through space and time with our windows open, constantly exposed to the complex ecology of the galaxy and all it contains. we are windblown. and, while one of the c... See more
earth.coSolastalgia is a new concept developed to give greater meaning and clarity to environmentally induced distress.