Saved by Kasper Jordaens
404 Not Found
It is not hard to imagine that “artificial judgment” systems might be increas-ingly used in the future. These systems would autonomously evaluate cul-tural objects, scoring a design artifact, fashion item, or image with a higheror lower aesthetic value.
Emanuele Arielli • 404 Not Found
I may be an avid consumer of ac-tion movies and yet consider arthouse films aesthetically superior, eventhough I watch them more rarely. Artificial systems that gather data abouthuman aesthetic consumption should take these issues into consideration ifwe want to avoid overly simplistic models of human aesthetic experienceand judgment
Emanuele Arielli • 404 Not Found
Machines learn to recognize increasingly com-plex patterns in data that humans are not able to detect. All this raises thefollowing question: to what extent are machine perception and patternrecognition mechanisms relevant for “aesthetic perception,” and what are thetypically human aspects of aesthetic sensibility that still need to be tackledby ar... See more