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The purpose of a point of view is to help people understand what an organization is actually all about.
Lois KELLY • Beyond Buzz: The Next Generation of Word-of-Mouth Marketing
A point of view is an “also,” not an “instead of.” The purpose of these conventional fundamentals is not to engage people in interesting conversations. They are directional, informative documents—more like maps and blueprints than motivational guides. They’re about the company’s intentions and objectives. Most are written to be read—not to be talke
... See moreLois KELLY • Beyond Buzz: The Next Generation of Word-of-Mouth Marketing
Once you’ve created a new and DIFFERENT category in your mind, you must then communicate the differences of that category to your audience. This is what’s called your “Point of View.” Your POV is the way you see the world, the unique vantage point that allows everyone else to understand your perspective.
Nicolas Cole • The Art and Business of Online Writing: How to Beat the Game of Capturing and Keeping Attention
A point of view is not meant to be the headline of a Web site or the tag line on business cards. It’s not meant to explain the company’s entire value proposition. It is meant to get people thinking and talking.
Lois KELLY • Beyond Buzz: The Next Generation of Word-of-Mouth Marketing
Point of view: While you can’t promise to always be right, you can obligate yourself to express a helpful point of view. If you don’t have one based on your previous work, you’ll embark on some fresh research to shed light on the client’s challenge.
David C. Baker, Emily Mills, • Secret Tradecraft of Elite Advisors: Covert Techniques for a Remarkable Practice
Just to be clear, your point of view is the truth you overlay onto your niche or industry-specific expertise. It’s an insight that influences the work you do.
Drew McLellan • Sell with Authority: Own and Monetize Your Agency's Authority Position
Once you’ve created a new and DIFFERENT category in your mind, you must then communicate the differences of that category to your audience. This is what’s called your “Point of View.” Your POV is the way you see the world, the unique vantage point that allows everyone else to understand your perspective. What is your new category and why is it diff
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